EMBO New Venture Fellowships 2024 (Fully Funded)

EMBO New Venture Fellowships 2024 For International Students:

A degree is always advantageous for a profession, but there are times when it is challenging due to financial constraints. The European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) provides New Venture Fellowships to deserving students to help with tuition costs.

In order to be eligible for the fellowships, candidates must be working scientists who have no more than two years of experience leading an independent group and at least two years of postdoctoral research experience. The proposed initiatives should encourage interdisciplinary study and make a substantial contribution to our understanding of biological processes. Also apply for Thomson Foundation Young Journalist Award 2024 In London (Fully Funded).


  • Offered by: European Molecular Biology Organization.
  • Degree Level: PhD.
  • Scholarship coverage: Fully Funded.
  • Eligible nationalities: All Nationalities.
  • Country of award: Europe.

Deadline For Application:

The deadline for Application to apply for EMBO New Venture Fellowships 2024 is not specified.

Financial Benefits:

Why Submit an Application for an EMBO New Venture Fellowship?

  • Financial Assistance: Transportation Fees and Living Expenses.
  • Research Opportunities: Prominent advancements in the field of biology.
  • Encourages the development of new interdisciplinary partnerships and interdisciplinary research.
  • Flexibility: Open to different biologically significant research initiatives.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Two years at least in postdoctoral research.
  • Two years or less of experience leading a group alone.
  • The proposed endeavour ought to be biologically significant.
  • Needs to foster multidisciplinary research and establish new partnerships.
  • Research at the host lab is required; consultations or attendance at workshops or courses are not acceptable.

Documents Required:

  • A resume and cover letter.
  • Copies of the pertinent certifications and diplomas.
  • A list of graded university courses.
  • Publications and master’s thesis, if any.
  • Details of two references’ contacts.
See also  UNESCO GEM Report Fellowship 2025 France (Fully Funded)

Application Process:

It’s simple to get an EMBO New Venture Fellowship!

Interested candidates must use the EMBO application system to submit their applications online.

Official Link