Rhodes Global Scholarships 2024 In UK (Fully Funded)

Rhodes Global Scholarships 2024 For International Students:

Prior to recently, only 20 constituencies—representing more than 60 different countries—had received Rhodes Scholarship awards. The Rhodes Scholarships are now completely international: there are two new Global Scholarships that are open to qualified applicants from anywhere in the globe (subject to nomination). Outstanding young leaders with a strong desire to tackle global issues and advance world peace and understanding are sought after by Rhodes Global Scholarships. Also apply for Carsten Stoehr Scholarship in Government at London School of Economics and Political Science 2024 


  • Offered by: Rhodes Scholarship.
  • Degree level: Masters and Ph.D Degree.
  • Scholarship coverage: Fully Funded.
  • Eligible nationality: All Nationalities.
  • Award country: United Kingdom.

Deadline For Application:

The deadline for Application to apply for Rhodes Scholarship 2024 varies depending on the nation.

Financial Benefits:

The recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship receives:

  • A yearly living allowance of £15,144;
  • All college and university tuition;
  • One economy flight to Oxford at the beginning of the scholarship and one economy trip return to the student’s home nation at its conclusion.
  • The cost of applying to universities;
  • The scholarship has a two-year duration, contingent upon both satisfactory academic performance and acceptable personal behaviour. For individuals who choose a recognised path to the DPhil (PhD), the Scholarship may be extended for a third year, subject to an application process.

Documents Requirement:

  • Curriculum vitae, résumé, or summary of key undertakings. (For this scholarship, please do not submit a photograph with your CV.)
  • Proof of academic record or transcript for undergraduate degree (completed or in process) and any postgraduate studies
  • Essay or personal statement that, most importantly, makes it apparent what the candidate wants to study at Oxford and why
  • Competence in the English language (in cases where it is not the native tongue). Check out the prerequisites here.
  • Proof of age, passport, or birth certificate
  • Four private reference letters from appraisers who can vouch for the applicant’s character and intelligence, highlighting their leadership, extracurricular, and academic accomplishments (and who should never include family members).
See also  Chevening British Fellowship 2025 In United Kingdom (Fully Funded)

Eligibility Criteria:

An applicant for a Rhodes Scholarship must meet each of the standards listed below in order to be eligible:

  • Citizenship and residency criteria: Each applicant must meet the conditions set forth by the Rhodes constituency for which they are submitting an application. Here is a list of the qualified nations.
  • Education: By October, all candidates must have earned an honours bachelor’s degree. Additionally, one’s academic status must be strong enough to guarantee admittance to the University of Oxford, which has extremely strict admissions standards. A minimum GPA of 3.75/4.0, or its equivalent, is required in Canada.
  • Age: Age restrictions range from a minimum of 18 to a maximum of 28 by October 1st of the year after selection, depending on the constituency. The age restriction in most constituencies is 24 or 25. Before applying, please make sure you are aware of the precise age restrictions for your constituency. Those that make the cut will travel to Oxford in October after the application process. Normally, the scholarship cannot be postponed.
  • English is the required language.

Application Process:

The scholarships option on http://www.rhodeshouse.ox.ac.uk/scholarships/allows you to submit an online application.

  • By the deadline, you must electronically submit your application and all supporting materials.
  • You should carefully review the general information on the Rhodes website, especially the Scholarships tab, the Conditions of Tenure for the Rhodes Scholarship, this document, and the University of Oxford’s graduate admissions pages before submitting your application.
  • Candidates that make the short list will be invited to a final interview as well as a social event. There are no modifications possible for the date, time, or method of these events, so you must be able to attend them both in person. An interview is mandatory for the selection of any candidate. The Rhodes Trust will cover travel expenses, which include the round-trip price of a First Class rail ticket but do not include lodging costs. It is not possible to pay for attendees who are travelling from abroad.
  • The results of each applicant’s application will be sent to them via email.
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