Terms of Use

The Iwishyouthis website located at https://iwishyouthis.com/ is a work protected by copyright . Some site features may be subject to additional directives, terms or rules, which will be published on the site in relation to these features.

All these terms, directives and additional rules are incorporated by reference in these terms.

These conditions of use described the legally terms and conditions of connection which supervise your use of the site. By connecting to the site, you conform that these terms and you declare that you have the authority and the ability to conclude these terms. You should be at least 18 years old to access the site. If you do not agree with the entire layout of these terms, do not connect and do not use and do not use the site.

These terms require the use of arbitration section 10.2 on an individual basis to resolve disputes and also limit the appeals at your disposal in the event of a dispute. These conditions of use were created using the generator of use of the conditions of use and the sample of privacy policy.

Access to the site
Subject to these terms. The company gives you a limited non -transferable, non -exclusive and revocable license to access the site only for your own personal and non -commercial use.

Some restrictions. The rights which are approved in these conditions are subject to the following restrictions: (a) you will not sell, do not rent, do not rent, do not transfer, transfer, affect, distribute, host or otherwise exploit the site commercially; (b) You will not change, do not make works derived from, demonstrates, reverse the compilation or retro-engineer any part of the site; (c) You should not access the site to create a similar or competitive website; and (d) Unless otherwise indicated by the present, no part of the site can be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, displayed or transmitted in any form whatsoever or by any means, unless otherwise indicated, any future version , update or another addition to the functionality of the site must be subject to these conditions. All copyright and other property opinions on the site must be kept on all copies of these.

The company reserves the right to modify, suspend or cease the site with or without notice. You have approved that the company will not be held responsible for you or any third party for a change, interruption or termination of the site or from any room.

No support or maintenance. You accept that the company will have no obligation to provide you with support in relation to the site.

Excluding any user content that you can provide, you know that all intellectual property rights, including copyright, patents, brands and commercial secrets, on the site and its content belong to suppliers of the company or the company. Note that these conditions and access to the site give you no rights, title or interest in or to intellectual property rights, with the exception of limited access rights expressed in section 2.1. The company and its suppliers reserve all rights not granted in these conditions.

User contents
User contents. “User contents” means all the information and content that User submits to the Site. You are exclusively responsible for your user content. You include all the risks associated with the use of your user content. You certify by the present that your user content does not violate our acceptable use policy. You cannot represent or involve others than your user content is in any way provided, sponsored or approved by the company. Because you are solely responsible for your user content, you can expose yourself to responsibility. The company is not required to save any user content that you publish; In addition, your user content can be deleted at any time without notice. You are solely responsible for making your own backup copies of your user content if you wish.

You grant by this company an irreversible, non -exclusive, free and fully remunerated license, to reproduce, distribute, display and publicly prepare derivative works, integrate into other works, and use and exploit your User content, and grant the subli that previous rights, only in order to include your user content on the site. You irreversibly renounce any claim and affirmation of moral rights or attribution in relation to your user content.

Acceptable use policy. The following terms constitute our “acceptable use policy”: you agree not to use the site to collect, download, transmit, display or distribute user content (i) which violates any third party or any intellectual property or proprietary law; (ii) It is illegal, harassing, abusive, delicitous prejudice of all kinds against any group or individual; (iii) which is harmful to minors in any way; or (iv) who violated any law, regulations, or obligations or restrictions imposed by a third party.

In addition, you agree not to: (i) download, transmit or distribute or via the site any software intended to damage or modify a system or computer data; (ii) send by the unlined or unauthorized advertising site, promotional material, spam, spam, chain letters, pyramidal diagrams or any other form of double or not requested messages; (iii) use the site to collect, collect, collect or assemble information or data concerning other users without their consent; (iv) interfere, disturb or create an undue burden on servers or networks related to the site, or violate the regulations, policies or procedures of these networks; (v) attempt to obtain unauthorized access to the site, whether by operating password or any other means; (vi) harass or interfere with the use and enjoyment of any other user of the site; or (VI) Use software or automated agents or scripts to produce several accounts on the site, or to generate research, requests or automated requests on the site.

We reserve the right to examine any user content and investigate and / or take the appropriate measures against you at our sole discretion if you violate the acceptable use policy or any other provision of these conditions or if you create a responsibility for us or any other person. This action may include the deletion or modification of your user’s content, termination of your account in accordance with section 8 and / or reporting to the law enforcement authorities.

If you provide the company comments or suggestions concerning the site, you attribute by this to the company all rights in these comments and accept that the company will have the right to use and fully exploit these comments and Related information in any way expressed. The company will deal with all the comments you provide to the company as non -confidential and non -owners.

You agree to compensate and hold the company and its officers, employees and harmless agents, including the costs and fees of lawyers, any complaint or request made by a third party due to or resulting from (a) your use of Site, (b) your violation of these conditions, (c) your violation of applicable laws or regulations or (d) your user content. The company reserves the right to assume the defense and exclusive control of any questions for which you are required to compensate us, and you agree to cooperate with our defense of these complaints. You agree not to settle any questions without the company’s prior written consent. The company will use reasonable efforts to inform you of such a complaint, action or procedure by becoming aware.

Third -party links and advertisements; Other users
Third -party links and advertisements. The site may contain links to third -party websites and services and / or display advertisements for third parties. These third -party links and advertisements are not under the control of the company, and the company is not responsible for third -party links and advertisements. The company gives access to these third -party links and advertisements only as a convenience for you and approves, approves, does not monitor, approves, does not justify or does no representation with regard to third party links and advertisements. You use all third -party links and advertisements at your own risk, and you need to apply a appropriate level of prudence and discretion. When you click on one of the third -party links and advertisements, the applicable third -party conditions and policies apply, including confidentiality and data collection practices of the third party.

Other users. Each site user is only responsible for all the content of his own user. Because we do not control the content of users, you acknowledge and accept that we are not responsible for any user content, which you provide by you or by others. You accept that the company will not be responsible for any loss or damage suffered as a result of such interactions. If there is a dispute between you and any user of the site, we have no obligation to get involved.

You free up by this and discharge the company and our officers, employees, agents, successors and attributes of, and renounce and renounce by this, each past, present and future, controversy, right, obligation, obligation, Responsibility, the action and the cause of the action of all kinds and of any kind, which have appeared or arise directly or indirectly or which relate directly or indirectly to the site. If you are a resident of California, you renounce by this in article 1542 of the Californian Civil Code in the context of the above, which declares: “A general liberation does not extend to the affirmations that the creditor does not know Or does not suspect of existing in his favor with the moment of the execution of the liberation which, if known by him, must have significantly affected his settlement with the debtor. »»

Cookies and web beacons. Like any other website, Healthy Source uses “cookies”. These cookies are used to store information, including visitors’ preferences and website pages to which the visitor has accessed or visited. The information is used to optimize the user experience by customizing the content of our web page according to the type of browser of visitors and / or other information.

Google DoubleClick Dart Cookie. Google is one of the third -party suppliers on our site. He also uses cookies, called dart cookies, to broadcast ads to visitors to our site according to their visit to www.website.com and other sites on the Internet. However, visitors can choose to refuse the use of Dart cookies by visiting Google AD and Content Network’s privacy policy at the next URL – https://polices.google.com/technologies/ads

Our advertising partners. Some advertisers of our site can use cookies and web beacons. Our advertising partners are listed below. Each of our advertising partners has its own privacy policy for its user data policies. For easier access, we have linked to their privacy policies below.


The site is provided on a “such” and “as available” basis, and the company and our suppliers expressly decline all guarantees and conditions of any kind, whether express, implicit or legal, including all guarantees or Merchant quality conditions, fitness for a particular purpose, title, silent pleasure, precision or non-contail. We and our suppliers do not guarantee that the site will meet your needs, will be available on an uninterrupted, appropriate, secure or error -free basis, or will be exact, reliable, without viruses or other harmful, complete, legal, or safe or safe code . If the applicable law requires guarantees concerning the site, all these guarantees are limited in duration at ninety (90) days from the date of the first use.

Certain jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implicit guarantees, so that the above exclusion may not apply to you. Some jurisdictions do not limit the implicit warranty duration, so the above limitation may not apply to you.

Limitation of liability
To the maximum extent authorized by law, in no case will the company or our suppliers be responsible for you or any third party for any lost profit, with lost data, at the costs of the purchase of substitution products or any indirect, substantial , exemplary and accessory, special or punitive damage resulting or concerning these conditions or your use, or the incapability of using the site even if the company has been informed of the possibility of such damage. Access and use of the site are at your own discretion and risk, and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer or computer system, or the resulting data loss.

To the maximum extent authorized by law, despite all that is contrary to these, our responsibility towards you for any damage resulting or linked to this agreement, will be limited to a maximum of fifty US dollars (US 50) at any time. The existence of more than one complaint will not widen this limit. You accept that our suppliers will have no responsibility for any kind resulting or concerning this agreement.

Certain jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of responsibility for accidental or consecutive damage, so that limitation or exclusion above may not apply to you.

Duration and termination. Subject to this section, these terms will remain in force and indeed while you use the site. We may suspend or terminate your rights to use the site at any time for any reason whatsoever at our sole discretion, including for any use of the site in violation of these conditions. At the end of your rights under these conditions, your account and the right to access and use the site will end immediately. You understand that any termination of your account may involve the deletion of your user content associated with your account from our live databases. The company will have no responsibility for you for any termination of your rights under these conditions. Even after the end of your rights under these conditions, the following provisions of these conditions will remain in force: articles 2 to 2.5, sections 3 and articles 4 to 10.

Copyright policy.
The company respects the intellectual property of others and requests that the users of our site do the same. Within the framework of our site, we have adopted and implemented a policy concerning the law on copyright which provides for the deletion of any counterfeit material and the termination of users of our online site which are repeated counterfeits intellectual property rights, including copyright. If you think that one of our users is, thanks to the use of our site, illegally counterfeit the copyright (s) in a work, and wish that the allegedly counterfeit equipment, the following information in the form of A written notification (in accordance with 17 U.S.C. § 512 (c)) must be provided to our appointed copyright agent:

your physical or electronic signature;
Identification of the work protected by copyright that you claim to have been raped;
Identification of equipment on our services that you claim to break and that you ask us to delete;
Sufficient information to allow us to locate this equipment;
Your address, telephone number and email address;
A statement that you have a belief in good faith according to which the use of reprehensible material is not authorized by the owner of the copyright, his agent or under the law; and
A declaration that the information in the notification is accurate and, under the penalty of perjury, that you are either the owner of the copyright which would have been raped, or that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the right of author.
Please note that, in accordance with 17 U.S.C. § 512 (f), any false representation of important facts in a written notification automatically submits the complainant party to the responsibility of any damage damage, costs and fees incurred by us within the framework of the written notification and allegation of copyright violation.

These terms are subject to an occasional revision, and if we make substantial changes, we can inform you by sending you an email to the last e-mail address that you have provided to us and / or by publishing a notice net of changes to our place. You are responsible for providing us with your most recent email address. In the event that the last e-mail address you have provided to us is not valid our dispatch from the email containing such an opinion will nevertheless constitute an effective opinion of the modifications described in the opinion. All the modifications made to these conditions will be in force in the earliest of the thirty (30) calendar days after sending an email notice or thirty (30) calendar days after our display of the notice of modifications on our site . These changes will be immediately in force for new users on our site. The continuous use of our site after the advice of these modifications will indicate that your recognition of these modifications and these agreements will be bound by the terms and conditions of these modifications. Resolution of disputes. Please read this arbitration agreement carefully. This is part of your contract with the company and affects your rights. It contains compulsory bond arbitration procedures and a dispensation for collective appeal.

Applicability of the arbitration agreement. All complaints and disputes concerning the conditions or use of any product or service provided for by the company which cannot be resolved informally or in the court of small complaints will be resolved by binding arbitration on an individual basis under the terms of this arbitration agreement. Unless otherwise agreed, all arbitration procedures will be held in English. This arbitration agreement applies to you and the company, as well as to all the subsidiaries, affiliated companies, agents, employees, interest in interest, successors and attributions, as well as all authorized or unauthorized users or beneficiaries of services or goods provided under conditions.

Notice requirement and informal dispute settlement. Before one or the other party may request arbitration, the party must first send to the other party a written notice of dispute describing the nature and base of the complaint or the dispute, and the repair requested . An opinion to the company must be sent to: N 12 BLOC B. Once the notice has been received, you and the company can try to resolve the complaint or the dispute informally. If you and the company do not solve the complaint or the dispute within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice, one or the other of the parties can start an arbitration procedure. The amount of any payment offer established by a party can only be disclosed to the arbitrator after the arbitrator determined the amount of the allocation to which one or the other of the parties is entitled.

Arbitration rules. Arbitration must be launched through the American Arbitration Association, an established alternative dispute provider that offers arbitration as indicated in this article. If AAA is not available to arbitrate, the parties must agree to select another ADR supplier. The rules of the ADR supplier govern all aspects of arbitration, except insofar as these rules are in conflict with the terms. AAA consumer arbitration rules governing arbitration are available online on adr.org or by calling AAA at 1-800-778-7879. Arbitration must be led by a single neutral referee. Any complaint or dispute where the total amount of the requested allocation is less than ten thousand US dollars (US $ 10,000.00) can be resolved by non -prohibiting non -apparent arbitration, as a choice of party requires repair. For complaints or disputes where the total amount of the requested sentence is ten thousand US dollars (US $ 10,000.00) or more, the right to a hearing will be determined by arbitration rules. All hearing will be held in a place within 100 miles from your residence, unless you live outside the United States, and unless the parties agree. If you live outside the United States, the arbitrator will give the parties a reasonable opinion of the date, time and place of all oral hearing. Any judgment on the sentence rendered by the arbitrator can be rendered in any competent court. If the arbitrator grants you a higher sentence to the last settlement offer that the company made you before the initiation of the arbitration, the company will pay you the award or $ 2,500. Each party carries its own costs and disbursements resulting from arbitration and will pay an equal part of the fees and costs of the supplier ADR.

Additional rules for arbitration based on non-apprentices. If an unrelated arbitration is elected, the arbitration must be led by phone, online and / or based solely on written submissions; The specific way will be chosen by the part initiating arbitration. Arbitration does not imply any personal appearance of the parties or witnesses, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

Time limits. If you or the Company Continue arbitration, the arbitration action must be initiated and / or required within the limitation period and in any deadline imposed under the AAA rules for the relevant complaint.

Authority of the arbitrator. If the arbitration is launched, the arbitrator will decide the rights and liabilities of you and the company, and the dispute will not be consolidated with other questions or joined with other cases or parties. The referee has the power to grant requests in disagreement of all or part of any complaint. The arbitrator has the power to grant monetary damages and to grant any non-monetary recovery or recovery at the disposal of a person under the applicable law, the rules of the AAA and the conditions. The arbitrator issues a written compensation and a decision of decision describing the essential conclusions and conclusions on which the sentence is founded. The arbitrator has the same power to grant a repair on an individual basis as a court judge would have. The allocation of the arbitrator is final and binding on you and society.

Renunciation of the trial before jury. The parties renounce by this by their constitutional and statutory rights to go before the courts and to have a trial before a judge or a jury, instead of choosing that all complaints and disputes will be resolved by arbitration under this arbitration agreement. Arbitration procedures are generally more limited, more effective and less expensive than the rules applicable in a court and are subject to a very limited examination by a court. In the event that a dispute should occur between you and the company in a state or a federal court in an action in cancellation or in application of an arbitration or other sentence, you and the company renounce all the rights of a trial with Jury, instead of resolving that the dispute is resolved by a judge.

Renunciation of class or consolidated actions. All complaints and disputes within the framework of this arbitration agreement must be arbitrated or disputes on an individual basis and not on a class base, and complaints of more than one client or a user cannot be arbitrated or litigation jointly or consolidated with those of another customer or user.

Privacy. All aspects of the arbitration procedure will be strictly confidential. The parties agree to maintain confidentiality, unless constrained, contrary by law. This paragraph will not prevent part from submitting to a court necessary to enforce this agreement, to enforce an arbitration sentence or to request an injunctive or equitable repair.

Seventies. If a party or parts of this arbitration agreement is considered under the invalid or inapplicable law by a competent court, then this part or specific part will not be of force and effect and will be cut and the rest of the ‘Agreement must continue in full strength and indeed.

Right to renounce. All or part of the rights and limitations set out in this arbitration agreement may be lifted by the party against which the complaint is affirmed. This renunciation must not renounce or affect any other part of this arbitration agreement.

Survival of the agreement. This arbitration agreement will survive the termination of your relationship with the company.

Small receivables court. Nevertheless, the above, either you or the company, you can bring an individual action before the small complaints.

Equitable emergency relief. Be that as it may, one or the other of the parties may request an equitable equitable compensation before a state or federal court in order to maintain arbitration awaiting the status quo. A request for intermediate measures should not be considered as a waiver of any other right or obligation under this arbitration agreement.

Complaints not subject to arbitration. Notwithstanding precursions, defamation complaints, violation of the law on fraud and computer abuse, and counterfeiting or the diversion of the author, copyright, brands or commercial secrets of the other party will not be subject to this arbitration agreement.

In all the circumstances where the preceding arbitration agreement allows the parties to plead before the court, the parties accept by this to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located in the county of the Netherlands, in California, in such purposes.

The site may be subject to laws on the control of American exports and can be subject to export or import regulations in other countries. You agree not to export, re-export or transfer, directly or indirectly, all the American technical data acquired from the company or any product using this data, in violation of the United States or regulations of export.

The company is located at section 10.8. If you are a California resident, you can report complaints to the complaints for complaints of the California consumer product division Department of Consumer Affairs by contacting them in writing at 400 R Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, or by phone at (800) 952-5210.

Electronic communications. Communications between you and the company use electronic means, whether you use the site or send us emails, or the company publishes opinions on the site or that you communicate with you by e-mail. For contractual purposes, you (a) agree to receive communications from the company in electronic form; and (b) accept that all the terms and conditions, agreements, opinion, disclosure and other communications that the company provides you electronically satisfies any legal obligation that these communications would satisfy if they were in a drafting of paper copy.

Whole terms. These terms constitute the entire agreement between you and us concerning the use of the site. Our non-exercise or applies any right or provision of these conditions will not work as a renunciation of this right or this provision. Section titles under these conditions are only for convenience and have no legal or contractual effect. The word “including” means “including without limitation”. If a provision of these conditions is considered to be invalid or inapplicable, the other provisions of these conditions will be non -alcoholic and the invalid or inapplicable provision will be deemed to be modified so that it is valid and enforceable insofar as maximum authorized by law. Your relationship with the company is that of an independent entrepreneur, and none of the parties is an agent or partner of the other. These conditions, and your rights and obligations here, cannot be allocated, subcontracted, delegates or otherwise transferred by you without the prior written consent of the Company, and any attempt at transfer, subcontracting, delegation or transfer In violation of the above will be zero and null cancel. The company can freely award these conditions. The terms and conditions set out in these conditions are linked to the assignees.

Your privacy. Please read our privacy policy.

Copyright / brand information. Copyright ©. All rights reserved. All brands, logos and service brands displayed on the site are our property or the property of other third parties. You are not allowed to use these notes without our prior written consent or the consent of this third party which may own the brands.

Contact information
Address: N 12 Block B

email: admin@iwishyouthis.com