(CICOPS) Scholarships for Academic Study and Research 2025 In Italy (Funded)

Scholarships for Academic Study and Research from the Committee for International Cooperation and Development (CICOPS) 2025:

The University of Pavia and EDiSU (Institute of the Right to University Studies) are offering six scholarships to visiting scholars for the year 2025 for a period of stay of four to twelve weeks at the University of Pavia in order to promote international cooperation, particularly with Developing Countries (as classified by the World Bank in low, lower middle, and upper middle income economies).

Applicants from developing countries who would like to work with a professor at the University of Pavia on a research project are encouraged to apply. Applications without an official invitation letter will not be considered. Applicants must have the backing of a University of Pavia collaborator who extends an invitation to them.

A minimum of two years of teaching experience or involvement in international organisations and institutions is required of applicants.

For short-term research collaboration, CICOPS scholarships are anticipated to promote the mobility of researchers from developing countries (as classified by the World Bank). Applications are not accepted from candidates enrolled in doctoral or postgraduate programmes at Italian universities. You can also apply for (Fully Funded) Honjo International Scholarship 2024-25 in Japan 


  • University: University of Pavia.
  • Degree Level: Masters Degree.
  • Scholarship coverage: Fully Funded.
  • Eligible nationalities: All Nationalities.
  • Country of award: Italy.

Deadline For Application:

The deadline for Application to apply for CICOPS 2024-2025 is 31st May 2024.

Documents Required:

You must upload the aforementioned files to the web form:

  • A list of publications and a curriculum vitae, preferably in European format (file to be named: Surname_Name_CV).
  • A letter of invitation from the professor or researcher you plan to work with 1 (name the file Surname_Name_Letter).
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The names of the uploaded documents should be as indicated above. Applications that lack an invitation letter and curriculum vitae with the correct names won’t be reviewed. Kindly ensure that you complete your application form only after receiving the acceptance letter from your University of Pavia contact professor. There won’t be any allowances made for incomplete applications.

Procedure for Selection:

A committee made up of the CICOPS President and two additional members chosen by the Rector will make a decision by June 30th, 2024.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidates need to have worked for international groups and institutions for at least two years, or they can have taught.
  • Scholarships in the field of development studies are intended for junior and senior students attending universities in developing nations, as well as members of significant research centres, international organisations, and other institutions.
  • In order to promote the mobility of researchers from developing nations, CICOPS scholarships are set aside for short-term research collaboration.
  • Candidates who are enrolled in postgraduate or doctoral programmes at Italian universities are not permitted to apply. Please visit the website’s FAQ section for additional details.

Application Process:

  • The stay should fall between the dates of January 13–July 20, 2025, and September 8–December 21, 2025, in order to promote interaction between staff and students.
  • Applications must be submitted online at http://cicops.unipv.it/cicops-scholarships/, using the form that can be found on the CICOPS website, by May 31st, 2024.

Official Link